Cockroaches represent a primitive and highly successful group of animals whose origins extend back at least 300 million years. Fossil evidence suggests that little change in their general body form has occurred since that time.
Cockroaches rate high in the pest status for various reasons – they may contaminate food products, utensils and food preparation surfaces, they can cause allergic reactions, in some cases have been known to bite people, in substantial cockroach infestations they emit a very unpleasant odour and they can transmit pathogenic diseases to humans. Most of us however have a fear reaction to a sighting of a cockroach.
These insects are mostly nocturnal creatures that hide during the day ad become active soon after the onset of darkness when they emerge to seek food. Occupants of infested premises are often unaware of the extent of cockroach activity that commences after dark where they will emerge from their often moist, safe haven in search of food.
Cockroaches eat virtually anything: human or animal food or beverage and any dead animal or vegetable materials. This can include leather, bindings on books, fabrics, cardboard and glue. They are very effective scavengers and can get nutriments from dried beer on carpets spattered grease droplets and tiny crumbs. The importance of scrupulous housekeeping in any cockroach control program cannot be overemphasised.
Contact us today to have your home protected against cockroaches.