The “mossie” is most annoying pest and potentially dangerous. The most common mosquitoes in Far North Queensland are the common Australian, Brown house mosquito and the salt marsh mosquito. Mosquitoes are considered to be one of the most deadly insects in the world.
Mossies are unpleasant and annoying. They cause:
There has been a lot of news and media surrounding Zika or dengue outbreak. Combined with a licensed pest controller treating your property and owners being educated on how to reduce breeding sites, we can help to reduce the risk of infection.
See below answers to some frequently asked questions (Ref: Qld Govt Don’t Invite The Bite):
Download FAQOn a weekly basis - Empty any containers that carry water around the property – pot plant bases, waterbowls, non-draining guttering, water pooling in drains alongside properties, ornamental fish ponds, used vehicle tyres and any rubbish laying around that could be a receptacle for water for a couple of weeks. You will find water receptacles all around you if you just have a look. Mosquito larvae can and will develop in the fronds of your beautiful palms and bromeliads.
Millions of human lives are lost each year to diseases distributed and transmitted by adult female mosquitoes, the most dangerous being transmitted through biological transmission. Currently, there is a program in Far North Queensland where Biosecurity have introduced a mosquito to combat Dengue Fever
Mosquito reduction available from PDM Pest Control: