Rats and mice are serious pests of humans and historically have played a profound role in the transmission of diseases to humans. Bubonic plague which is now not present, claimed more than 25 million lives in 14th-century Europe and is the most documented case history of rats and disease. Today we see various illnesses as a result of contact with rats and mice residing in buildings. Rodents like to reside near humans and share our shelter, food and water. It is therefore important that we implement sound management procedures.
The most common rodents of concern are the Norway Rat (Rattus norvegicus), the Roof Rat (Rattus rattus) and the house mouse (Mus musculus). These social animals live in groups, in nests constructed of any soft materials available – in wall voids, roof voids, under floors and in some cases within stored foods. Outdoors they nest in burrows adjacent to waterways, under buildings, in garbage dumps, rubbish heaps and other places where food and shelter are within reasonable range.
Contact us to seek advice on rodent management.